
Here are the main configuration settings:

PHP Versions

php-versions (Required - Default: none)

A list of the available pre-compiled versions can be found in the Linux for PHP repository on Docker Hub.

If you choose many versions, Linux for Composer will start a detached container for each chosen version.

If you choose only one version, enter /bin/bash in the script section (see Scripts) and do not ask for the ‘detached’ mode in the modes section (see Modes), you will get an interactive shell.

Finally, if you enter a version number like 7.4.0 (without the ‘dev’ part), Linux for Composer will COMPILE the latest version from source!!! Now, that’s really bleeding edge, isn’t it?


modes (Optional - Default: detached mode)

There are three possible modes when running Docker containers with Linux for Composer:

  • Detached
  • Interactive
  • TTY

Whenever, you ask for the detached mode, it will take precedence over any other mode that you ask for in the linuxforcomposer.json file.


ports (Optional - Default: none)

You can share ports from the host system with your containers.

If you enter many port mappings for each shared port, Linux for Composer will share each mapping with one container in the order they were given. For example, ‘port1’ contains two mappings (8181:80 and 8282:80) and so does ‘port2’ (13306:3306 and 13307:3306). The first element of each mapping (8181:80 and 13306:3306) will be given to container 1, which corresponds to the first given PHP version in the php-versions section (see PHP Versions). The second element of each mapping (8282:80 and 13307:3306) will be given to container 2.


volumes (Optional - Default: none)

You can share volumes between the host and your containers.


Each volume will be shared with each and every container.

Linux/Unix/Mac users can insert Bash environment variables in this part of the JSON file. For example, you can share your current working directory with your containers by entering: “${PWD}/:/srv/www”. This will make your working directory available to the web server inside the Linux for PHP container.

On Windows 10 (PowerShell), please share the volume by using the following format:


On Windows 8 (Bash), please use the following format:



Windows users must make sure to turn volume sharing on in the Docker settings.


script (Optional - Default: ‘lfphp’)

You can enter any command that you wish to execute as soon as the Linux for PHP container has finished starting. The most common ones are ‘lfphp’ and ‘/bin/bash’.

But, you could also execute a PHP script directly or launch one of the recipes from the Linux for PHP documentation.

For example, to install automatically, you could enter:

"'/bin/bash -c \"lfphp-get blackfire ; /bin/bash\"'"

Another example would be to install a PHP Framework:

"'/bin/bash -c \"lfphp-get php-frameworks ; /bin/bash\"'"

Please don’t forget the single quotes at the beginning and the end of the string, and to escape the double quotes to avoid invalidating your JSON!

On Windows (both 8 - Bash - and 10 - PowerShell), it is necessary to invert the quotes and double quotes, as follows:

"\"/bin/bash -c 'lfphp-get php-frameworks ; /bin/bash'\""

If you are using multiple commands while compiling a new version of PHP simultaneously, please omit the first call to Bash, as follows:

"\"lfphp-get php-frameworks ; /bin/bash\""


thread-safe (Optional - Default: ‘false’)

It is possible to run a Zend thread-safe (‘true’) or a non-thread safe (‘false’) version of PHP.